Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery London

The gastric sleeve procedure is the commonest performed weight loss procedure for individuals struggling with obesity offering significant weight loss and health improvement. Studies demonstrate the success rate with gastric sleeve to be around 80-90%, with patients experiencing an average excess weight loss of 60-70% within a year (25-30% total body weight loss).

Additionally, the procedure has proven effective in improving or resolving obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnoea.

Dr Sherif Awad is a leading bariatric surgeon for this procedure, offering patients the opportunity to transform their lives through safe and effective gastric sleeve surgery London. 

The Concept of Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a bariatric surgery procedure that facilitates achieving significant long-term weight loss. This procedure of laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery involves removing around 75% of the outer stomach, leaving behind a narrow, banana-shaped section.

Performed keyhole with the help of small incisions in the upper abdomen, this procedure limits food intake, promoting weight loss. After surgery, the reduced stomach capacity causes a feeling of fullness with smaller food portions, and reduces feeling of hunger between meals while the small intestine remains unchanged, allowing food to pass through as usual.

Criteria for Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery is a treatment for severe obesity, typically recommended for individuals who have not been able to achieve long-term success with other weight-loss methods. Our gastric sleeve surgeon UK may suggest this surgery for those with a body mass index (BMI) over 35.

It is also recommended for individuals with a BMI ranging between 30 and 35 who suffer from obesity-related health conditions such as sleep apnoea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disorders.

Private Gastric Sleeve Surgery in UK – The Procedure

You will receive general anaesthesia for your surgery. Our surgeon will perform the operation using the keyhole approach, which includes making several small incisions in your upper abdomen. Through these incisions, a narrow camera (laparoscope) and instruments are inserted. 

An anesthesiologist will insert a small sizing tube through your mouth into your stomach. Our surgeon will then use a laparoscopic stapler to create a narrow vertical sleeve by dividing the stomach. The removed portion of the stomach is extracted through one of the incisions. To ensure the sleeve is secure, the surgeon will perform a leak test using a dye during the procedure. .

Expectations and Diet Post-Procedure

After your gastric sleeve surgery in UK, allow yourself around two weeks to feel more like yourself and return to work at full capacity. During this period, you might feel fatigued as your body recovers and adjusts to a lower calorie intake.

On the first day post-surgery, you will consume clear liquids and this continues for two weeks after surgery. At two weeks you progress to eating pureed foods. At four weeks you start soft and easy to chew foods. At six weeks you commence eating normal textured foods. 

It is crucial to understand that you will need to change your eating habits permanently but our dietician will guide you through this process and provide all the necessary information.  

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Thoroughly chew everything before swallowing.
  • Avoid drinking while eating to prevent overfilling your new stomach.
  • Drink liquids 20 minutes before or after meals.
  • Stay away from fizzy drinks and high calorie snacks.
  • Take daily vitamin and mineral supplements.

After 6 weeks, you will progress with 3-5 regular meals per day, but keep in mind that the sizes of the portions will be much smaller than what they used to be before.

Results Expected

You can anticipate losing 25 – 30% of your total body weight in the first 9-12 months of surgery. Similar to a Gastric Bypass, a laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery often results in an almost immediate resolution of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass: Are they different?

Unlike gastric bypass surgery UK, where the surgeon creates a small pouch that bypasses most of the stomach and goes directly to the intestine, gastric sleeve surgery involves removing or eliminating a portion of the stomach. Laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery is particularly suitable for individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher who favour a lower risk operation with less side effects (compared to the gastric bypass). For very high BMI patients (e.g. above BMI 60), the gastric sleeve is a lower risk operation than the gastric bypass. 

Transform your health and wellbeing

Seek Gastric Sleeve Surgery London with Dr Sherif Awad

Don’t let weight and health problems hold you back any longer. Dr Sherif Awad, one of the leading gastric sleeve surgeons, can guide you towards improved overall health with his expertise in weight loss surgery. With a proven track record and a patient-centric approach, he is committed to helping you achieve lasting weight loss and improved well-being.

Dr Sherif has specialist expertise in advanced keyhole surgery and performs gastric sleeve surgery in Derby, Nottingham, Birmingham and London.

A healthier future awaits you here!

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